About Us

We are guided by the values and principles of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, which include compassion, empathy, and belief in the transformative power of individuals.

Our organization is a non-profit charity dedicated to carrying out social initiatives for the Benton Harbor community. We undertake a variety of activities and projects that promote love and care for one another.

Through our projects, we offer opportunities for individuals to develop new skills, acquire knowledge, and exchange experiences, all while making a meaningful impact in the lives of those who need it the most.

It is a mutually beneficial relationship among all participants, creating a win-win situation. Our work is made possible through donations, the dedication of our volunteers, and the support of our sponsors.

Board of directors

A black and white image showing three individuals. On the left, Stella Godinho, President, is shown with a thoughtful expression, her chin resting on her hand. In the center, Aline Mainardes, Secretary, is smiling and wearing glasses. On the right, Mayke Mukuno, Treasurer, is smiling slightly. Each individual's name and title are written below their respective photo in yellow and brown text.

Want to join? Be a Volunteer!

Our projects are designed to fit your lifestyle. You can volunteer on your own time, choosing activities that align with your availability and skills. Whether you have a few hours a week or can commit to a long-term project, your help is invaluable. By volunteering with us, you will:
  • Make a Difference: Directly impact the lives of individuals and communities.
  • Build Connections: Network with like-minded individuals and organizations.
  • Gain Experience: Develop new skills and experiences that can enhance your personal and professional growth.

We offer a variety of projects you can get involved with, allowing you to contribute in the best way you can. Whether you have a few hours on the weekends or prefer a more flexible schedule, there are numerous ways to help:

Ready to get started?

Click the button below and complete the form to become a volunteer today and help us create a better tomorrow! Thank you for your willingness to support our cause. Together, we can achieve great things!

Our House of The Way

74 W Wall St, Benton Harbor, MI, 49022

ourhouseoftheway@gmail.com  | +1 (269) 281-1784